Visually, it is possible to see signs of wear. For example, discoloration of the shingles, misalignment of the shingles, damage to certain parts of the roof over the years, etc., can be observed quite easily. However, it is advisable to ask an expert to go further to identify the source of the problems. He will examine in more detail the waterproofing joints, the condition of your sealants, the edges of the roof as well as the ventilation spaces to see if they are not blocked. This inspection becomes necessary to better identify the work to be done, if any.

People often wonder when is the best time to have their roof inspected. If there is no easy answer to this question, an annual inspection will identify elements that may be causing problems to the roof or damage caused in the past year, make recommendations and suggest a schedule for work, if necessary.

On the other hand, if your roof has experienced extreme weather conditions, it would be a good idea to do an inspection after Mother Nature's unpleasantness.

To properly answer this question, there are several factors to consider. The first would be the age of the roof. Typically, for an asphalt shingle roof, the estimated life span is between 15 and 25 years. Secondly, the wear and tear of the roof should be considered. With a thorough inspection, it will be possible to draw better conclusions. Finally, if your roof has been damaged recently, it would be advisable to measure the extent of the damage with an inspection by an expert.

In short, if your roof has been poorly maintained over the years, if there are clear signs of wear and tear and if it is old, a new coating would be the best solution. On the other hand, if you have been taking care of your roof on a regular basis, a small repair job could be a good option.

The roof terrace is becoming more and more popular and we see it on different buildings. New buildings or buildings that have been in existence for several years offer their employees a common space to relax on the roof. This kind of roof is often decorated with plants and seasonal furniture.

The flat roof is designed for the pleasure of seeing far, to enjoy a health break in height or to benefit from a new relaxation area, but at the same time, it must meet strict standards. For example, the flat roof is characterized by its flat or very low slope for water drainage. As it must meet precise standards, norms and regulations, your roofer becomes the master of its realization.